Sabrina Mattos
 DAMASCODamasco is a series of floor lamps with a simple, clean and innovative design. Ceramic is conceived in a new way by the artist Sabrina Mattos for the Munari 104 brand. |
 DAMASCOThe Damasco series is accompanied by different lampshades that enhance its design. Customer satisfaction is fundamental for us: for this reason the lampshades are interchangeable at the buyer's choice. The design is by Sabrina Mattos for Munari 104. |
Aldo Gnesotto
 SOLSol is a ceramic suspension designed and created by the artist Aldo Gnesotto for the Munari 104 brand. The ceramic is worked in a new way, in such a way as to let the light filter through the raw material in a surreal way. |
 SOLThe Sol series also includes wall lamps, always designed and created by Aldo Gnesotto for Munari 104. The unmistakable style and design of this series remains. |
 LUNA Luna is a ceramic table lamp. With a magical and fascinating design and innovative processing technique, Luna is a lamp that plays more with shadows than with light. The perfect complement to the Sol series, always curated by Aldo Gnesotto for the Munari 104 Industria brand. |
 LUNALuna's processing is a combination of innovation and creativity. The artist Aldo Gnesotto manages to make a lamp an artistic work with an invaluable stylistic figure. |
 VOLOVolo is a ceramic floor lamp, designed and created by the unmistakable genius of Aldo Gnesotto for the Munari 104 Industria brand. Volo leads the customer to think about ceramics in a completely new way: the raw material seems almost silk from which beams of light shine through in an organized chaos that floods the surrounding space. |
 VOLOThe wall lamps, also designed by Aldo Gnesotto for Munari 104 Industria, are also part of the Volo series. The series is available in different colors, according to the customer's needs. |
 VOLOThe suspensions are also part of the Volo series, curated by Aldo Gnesotto for Munari 104 Industria. The light that shines through the ceramic creates a magical atmosphere in any space this series is inserted. |
Christian Urban
 BUTOIt is a brilliant work of art: Buto is a ceramic candle holder designed and created by the artist Cristiano Urban for Secondobinario. |
 BUTOThe ironic and unmistakable design of Buto marries a customer who loves the art and genius of Cristiano Urban. Buto was created for Secondobinario. |
 JANIIt is a ceramic piggy bank born from the inspiration of Cristiano Urban for Secondobinario. Jani, with lines as simple as they are artistic, is available in different colors according to the customer's needs. |
Aldo Cibic
 CALACala is a series of ceramic vases curated by the artist Aldo Cibic for Secondobinario. |
 CALAThe design is the simple and clean one of Aldo Cibic's stylistic signature. The series was created for Secondobinario. |
 CALAThe Cala series is available in different colors: so the designer Aldo Cibic meets the needs of any customer who loves art. Cala was created for Secondobinario. |
All'affermato designer e artista Luca Cavalca, Stylnove ha dedicato un'intera collezione: Cavalca Design. Meta fa parte di questa collezione: si tratta di un cesto da frutta in ceramica dal design semplice, curato e di impatto.
Il design d'impatto rispecchia la cifra stilistica del designer Luca Cavalca. Lusso, classe ed eleganze si incontrano in questa collezione presente sul mercato da oltre venti anni.
I poggiamestoli in ceramica creati da Luca Cavalca sono molto di più di un oggetto: sono gioielli ceramici lussuosi e di classe.
All'affermato designer e artista Luca Cavalca, Stylnove ha dedicato un'intera collezione: Cavalca Design. Meta fa parte di questa collezione: si tratta di un cesto da frutta in ceramica dal design semplice, curato e di impatto.
Christian Piccolo
 GOCCIAGoccia is a ceramic suspension that acts as a lamp, but also as an object holder and pocket emptier. The innovative design is by Christian Piccolo for the Munari 104 brand. |
 TAGLITagli is a series of table lamps created by the artist Christian Piccolo for Munari 104 Industria. The design is clean and decidedly innovative. |
 TAGLIThe Tagli table lamps are perfect in a modern industrial-style setting. Little Christian has hit the mark with eternally fashionable lines and shapes. The series was created for the Munari 104 Industria brand. |
 TAGLIThe Tagli series also includes suspensions, again by the artist Christian Piccolo for Munari 104 Industria. The fresh, industrial and eye-catching design remains as the stylistic signature of the series. |
 TAGLIThe Tagli series also includes wall lamps designed by Christian Piccolo for Munari 104 Industria. |
 VITTORIAVittoria è una lampada da terra dal design semplice e raffinato. L'artista che l'ha disegnata è Christian Piccolo per Munari 104 Industria. |
Roberto Zanon
 BASEXERESBasexeres is a series of ceramic fruit baskets with clean, fresh and innovative lines. Basexeres is a work of art by designer Roberto Zanon for Secondobinario. |
 DINAMICODinamico is a series of ceramic fruit baskets, the perfect complement to Basexeres. The simple and innovative lines and the contrast between black and white are the signature of the artist Roberto Zanon. Dinamico is a series created for Secondobinario. |
Carlo Cappellotto
 DADODado is a ceramic stool created by the artist Carlo Cappellotto, which goes beyond the concept of industrial object to arrive at an artistic masterpiece created for the Secondobinario collection. |
Cleto Munari
 CICLOPEThe unmistakable inspiration of the artist Cleto Munari meets ceramics and gives life to Ciclope, a vase with an ironic and ingenious design created for the Stylnove Special Edition collection. A unique masterpiece that only Stylnove can provide. |
Gino Carollo
 OSLOOslo is a series of ceramic suspensions curated by Gino Carollo for Munari 104 Aria. |
 OSLOThe design is simple, linear and innovative. The light filters from below going to illuminate the space evenly. This work is curated by the artist Gino Carollo for Munari 104 Aria. |
 OSLOThe Oslo series is available in different colors to satisfy every type of need. Everything is curated by Gino Carollo for the Munari 104 Aria brand. |
Enrico Morais
 B-PLIQUEIt is a ceramic wall light with a simple and linear design, versatile in any context. The light spreads towards the other. The design is by Enrico Morais for the Munari 104 brand. |
 PRINCIPIOPrincipio is a ceramic costume curated by the inspiration of Enrico Morais. |
 PRINCIPIOArt manages to push the raw material beyond any limit imposed on it. And this is how Enrico Morais manages to create a costume starting from ceramics. |
 PRINCIPIOIt is a ceramic sound diffuser created by Enrico Morais for Munari 104. |
 DIVENIREDivenire is a ceramic speaker with clean lines created by Enrico Morais for the Munari 104 brand. |
 QUIETEQuiete is a sound diffuser, created by the creative flair of the artist Enrico Morais for the Munari 104 brand. |
Alberto Scremin
 TIMEOTimeo is a ceramic suspension designed by Alberto Scremin for Munari 104. The light spreads from below, filtering through a human form, in an ingenious and creative way. |
 TIMEOTimeo's design is innovative and diametrically opposed to the sterile conception of lighting in the classic way. The inspiration of Alberto Scremin meets the Munari 104 brand to give life to this work of art. |
 TORTILEThe stylistic signature of Alberto Scremin is remarkable in this ceramic table created for the Munari 104 Industria brand. |
 TORTILETortile's design is innovative and particular. The unmistakable signature of Alberto Scremin is clearly visible. Tortile was created for Munari 104 Industria. |
Mario Bertolin
Luigi Bertolin
 GEMINUSIt is a series of ceramic suspensions with clean and modern lines: an essential design created by the minds of 3B, Mario and Lugi Bertolin, for Munari 104 Industria. |
 GEMINUSThis series is available in different versions, but the design remains the minimalist and industrial one typical of the 3Bs (Mario and Luigi Bertolin). Geminus was created for Munari 104 Industria. |
 FLUXUMFluxum is a collection of ceramic vases and baskets designed by 3B (Mario and Luigi Bertolin) for the Munari 104 Industria brand. The lines are essential and the style is typically industrial. |
 FLUXUMFluxum is also a series of suspensions. The design reflects that of the whole collection, but with the peculiarity of the spectacular way in which the light filters through holes in the upper part of the suspensions. The pen is the unmistakable one of the 3Bs (Mario and Luigi Bertolin) for the Munari 104 Industria brand. |
Lorenzo Zanovello
Aldo Gnesotto
 MODULARModular is above all an innovative way of rethinking ceramics. Through modules it is possible to create the most varied forms of suspensions and wall lamps thanks to the inspiration of the Lorenzaldos (Lorenzo Zanovello and Aldo Gnesotto). The Modular series gave birth to Munari 104 Modular Project. |
 MODULARTypically industrial design meets the genius and creativity of the Lorenzaldos (Lorenzo Zanovello and Aldo Gnesotto) for the Munari 104 Modular Project brand. |
 MODULARThrough the modules it is possible to create suspensions of considerable size, which illuminate the surrounding environment in an unusual and innovative way. Modular is a series created by Lorenzaldo (Lorenzo Zanovello and Aldo Gnestotto) for Munari 104 Modular Project. |
 MODULARThrough the modules you can also create wall lamps. The design is what is reflected in the entire collection by the Lorenzaldos (Lorenzo Zanovello and Aldo Gnesotto) for the Munari 104 Modular Project brand. |
 MODULAREven with the appliques it is possible to reach considerable dimensions through the modules: the inspiration of the Lorenzaldos (Lorenzo Zanovello and Aldo Gnesotto) meets Munari 104 Modular Project. |
Andrea Dal Prà
 ARNIAThe fluid and soft shape of this ceramic line harmonizes perfectly with the hive geometry of a hive, where tireless insects inspire new ideas and objects. The concept is by the artist Andrea Dal Prà for the Munari 104 brand. |
 ARNIAArnia is a collection by Andrea Dal Prà for the Munari 104 brand that also contains fruit bowls and ceramic vases, with an innovative design typical of the series. |
 ARNIAArnia is a series that also includes suspensions designed by Andrea Dal Prà for the Munari 104 brand. The light filters in a spectacular way, creating totally new plays of light. |
 ARNIAArnia also includes ceramic wall lamps. The design remains the unmistakable one born from the meeting of Andrea Dal Prà with the Munari 104 brand. |
Alberto Ghirardello
 PIXELPixel is a collection created by the artist Alberto Ghirardello for the Munari 104 brand, characterized by a simple but completely innovative design. |
 PIXELWithin the Pixel series there are ceramic vases that fully reflect the style proposed by Alberto Ghirardello for Munari 104. |
 PIXELThe ceramic vases of the Pixel collection are works of art with an innovative and unusual design. The signature is the unmistakable one of Alberto Ghirardello for Munari 104. |
 PIXELPixel is a collection that also includes ceramic wall lamps with innovative lines, again curated by Alberto Ghirardello for Munari 104. |
 PIXELPixel also includes ceramic suspensions of different sizes. The concept of lighting is totally overcome by the creative flair of the designer Alberto Ghirardello for Munari 104. |
 PIXELPixel suspensions, designed by Alberto Ghirardello for Munari 104, are the union of art and functionality. The light filters in a simple and uniform way in a suspension with an innovative character and a strong artistic conception. |
Luigi Martinengo
Paolo Demo
Emmanuele Casaro
 UFOIt is a ceramic suspension with an ironic and captivating design curated by the Moonstudio (Paolo Demo and Emmanuele Casaro) for the Munari 104 brand. |
 UFOUfo is characterized by four simple illuminated bulbs that give the work an innovative and completely new design. It is a creation of Moonstudio (Paolo Demo and Emmanuele Casaro) for Munari 104. |
Giacomo Baron
 JACKJack is a ceramic suspension with a new and captivating design, designed by the artist Giacomo Baron for the Munari 104 brand. |
 JACKJack's lines are reminiscent of the facets of a diamond, giving class and elegance to this versatile pendant in any context. The signature is that of Giacomo Baron for the Munari 104 brand. |
 BLASONEBlasone is a series that includes wall lamps, ceiling lamps and suspensions. All this is created starting from the shape of a mirror and from the idea of the Munari 104 Lab team. |
 BLASONEIn the Blasone series, the LED light illuminates the surrounding environment in a completely innovative way. The Munari 104 Lab team has arrived where no one had dared until now. |
 COHOROSIt is a series of suspensions of three different dimensions created by the Munari 104 Lab team. The design with apparently simple lines creates something new and unprecedented. The light filters through the lateral holes, creating spectacular and never seen light effects. |
 LUNARLunar is a ceramic suspension with an industrial and innovative design. The textured copper finish gives it a timeless and constantly modern look. The Munaroi 104 Lab team signs all his works through the industrial and original style. |
 LUNARLunar is a series created by the Munari 104 Lab team available in different finishes: copper, silver and materic gold. |
 CRESPACrespa is a series of ceramic suspensions characterized by an innovative effect: ceramic overcomes its own rigidity and becomes more like crumpled paper. The series, created by the Munari 104 Lab team, is available in different colors, to satisfy every kind of need. |

Luca Cavalca
Artist, Designer and Sculptor

Cleto Munari
Artist and Designer

Alessandro Nero Neretti

Alessandro Guardini
Artist, Sculptor Marble

Giorgio Di Palma
Artist and Ceramist