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The following Privacy Policy applies when the user enters the website, navigates through the site and uses its services even without purchasing any products.


1) Information notice as per Art. 13 Law Decree 196/2003

1-I) Data holder

The holder of the data collected by this website is Stylnove Ceramiche Srl With offices in Nove (VI), Via A. Canova, 7 ZA (hereinafter named "Stylnove"). The holder estabilishes independently the processing methods and scopes, the safety procedures to be applied in order to guarantee confidentiality, integrity and availability of data.

1-II) Collection of users' personal details

The retrieval of personal details from the user within the "" website might be necessary in order to achieve the purposes specified in the proper information notice or it might be optional. The compulsory or optional nature of the detail is specified from time to time - with reference to the single information requests - with the act of the single collection of data. In the event that information is not given within the compulsory fields, it makes it impossible to achieve the principal scope of the specific collection and it might also prevent the company from completing the purchase or using additional services such as sending newsletters.

The retrieval of further data, different from those marked as compulsory, does not imply any consequences.

1-III) Persons in charge of processing personal details

a) In order to achieve the targets of the "" website, Stylnove has the right to appoint the persons in charge of processing personal details.

b) For the same scope, Stylnove authorizes the following categories to process personal details: the administration department.

1-IV) User's rights

According to article 7 of law decree 196/2003, the user is entitled to obtain a confirmation from Stylnove that his / her personal details have been processed, even if they are not yet recorded, as well as to receive their update.

Furthermore, the user is entitled to obtain information from Stylnove concerning the origin of his / her personal details, the purposes for which they are collected the methods they are processed as well as which information technology means are used to process his / her data, the details of the holders of his / her data and of the persons responsible for processing the information; information relevant to the subjects or categories of subjects that may obtain the data, or which may know the data because they are, for example, the persons in charge of processing.

The user is also entitled to obtain the following from the data holder:

1. the update, correction and integration of personal details;

2. cancellation, transformation into anonymous form of his / her personal data as well as to stop the processing of his / her data if it breaches the law, including data that don't need to be kept for the purposes they are collected for and later processed;

3. the proof that the operations and contents described within items a) and b) have also been communicated to third parties provided that this communication does not imply the use of means that are of proportion to the protected right.

For legitimate reasons, the user can oppose himself / herself partially or totally to:

1. the processing of his / her personal details, despite bring relevant to the purposes they are collected for;

2. the processing of his / her personal data with the purpose of sending advertising or marketing materials or for the completion of marketing research.

To exert the above-mentioned rights, the user may send a proper request to Stylnove by means of a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt; the request will be met promptly.


2) Guidelines

The principles of which the privacy policy of the website "" is based are as follows:

1.To process personal data only for the purposes and with the methods described within the information notice shown at the moment the data is collected;

2.To use data for further purposes in addition to those purposes that the data was collected for only if the user provides his / her specific consent;

3. To provide third parties with the data only to carry out the required service and only if a person responsible for processing the data has been appointed. Not communicating, assigning or transferring data to third parties without informing the user prior and having obtained his / her consent;

4.To fulfill the requests for any cancellation, modification and integration of the provided data as well as not to use personal data to send any type of advertising without the user's consent;

5.To ensure a correct and legal management of data protecting the users' privacy as well as to apply the proper safety measures to protect confidentiality, integrity and availability of retrieved data.


3) Scopes of the processing

Personal details are processed to provide the services available after entering the "" website. The services are as follows:

• logging-in to the website to use the relevant services; - using further specific services, such as the creation of your Wish List;

• executing orders and relevant activities;

• managing the user's requests, such as technical and commercial questions, status of the order and any inquiries;

• contacting Customer Service;

• For marketing purposes (receiving newsletters, new products, promotions).

The specific purposes for which the data is processed are summarized within the information notice as per art. 13, law decree 196/2003, which is displayed to the user when his / her personal details are retrieved.

In some cases, as clearly stated in the Information Report, the data may be subjected - following express prior permission - to processing aimed at creating profiles based on the user's preferences and purchases, in order to send him information regarding his needs and interests.

Notwithstanding that provided for in article 130, comma 4, Legislative Decree 196/2003, which allows the owner to use the data for sending publicity emails regarding their products and services, similar to that already purchased, unless said use has been specifically forbidden.

The user's data will be communicated to third parties only following his express permission, except in cases in which said communication is obliged by law or is necessary for purposes required by law for which direct permission of the interested party is not required; in these cases, the data may be made available to third parties who will process them independently and solely for the above-mentioned purposes.

Any purpose other than the specific one for which the personal data has been supplied will be highlighted in the information report and pursued by Stylnove only after permission has been acquired from the user.


4) Hypothetical exclusion of permission

In compliance with Legislative Decree 196/2003, Stylnove can process the user's personal data without asking his permission when this is necessary to carry out an obligation of the law or when it is necessary for carrying out those obligations taken on by the contract.


5) Personal data of third parties

Should Diana have to process the personal data of third parties communicated directly by one of their users, they will supply said third party with the information report provided for by article 13 of Legislative Decree 196/2003 at the moment in which his data is registered in their archives; it is the user's responsibility however, to get permission to use said third party's information before giving it. All responsibility for the communication of information and data of third parties without said parties' permission or for any incorrect or unlawful use of the same is solely of the user.

Permission is not necessary only when said data is communicated to Stylnove in order to conclude a contract in favor of third parties.


6) Security measures

Stylnove adopts suitable security measures in order to reduce to a minimum the risks of destruction or loss - including accidental - of data, unauthorized access or processing that is unpermitted or does not conform to the collection purposes indicated in our Privacy Policy.

Moreover, Stylnove cannot guarantee their users that the measures adopted for the security of the site and the transmission of data and information on the site limit or exclude any risk of unpermitted access or the distribution of data by devices pertinent to the user.

It is always a good idea for the user's computer to be equipped with software that protects the transmission of data on the web, both entering and exiting and that his Internet provider adopts suitable measures for internet data transmission security.


7) Links to other websites

The "" website contains links to other sites that may have no connection to Stylnove; the owners do not control or monitor said websites and their contents. The owners cannot be held responsible for the contents of these sites and the adopted regulations by them, also in regards to privacy and processing of the user's personal data during navigation.

This Privacy Policy does not apply to third parties' websites. Our site supplies links to these sites for the sole purpose of aiding their users' research and navigation and easing hypertext links on the Internet towards other sites. Activation of links does not entail any recommendation or signal by the Owner for access to and navigation in these websites, nor any guarantee regarding the contents, services or goods supplied by them and sold to Internet users.


8) Contacts

For all further information regarding personal data processing, we recommend you visit the website of the Guarantor for the Protection of Personal Data at

For further information on the data processing carried out Stylnove please email us at


9) Applicable law

This Privacy Policy is controlled by the Italian Law and in particular by the Personal Data Protection Code (legislative decree 30th June 2003 nr. 196) which disciplines personal data processing - also abroad - carried out by anyone resident or with premises in Italy.

The Code guarantees that personal data processing is carried out in respect of the fundamental rights and liberties, as well as the dignity of the interested party, with particular reference to the confidentiality, personal identity and right to the protection of personal data.


10) Modifications to the Privacy Policy

The Owners may modify or simply update, in whole or in part, the Privacy Policy of the site, also in consideration of the modifications of the laws and regulations ruling the matter. The modifications and updates of the Privacy Policy will be communicated to the users in the Home Page as soon as they have been made and will be binding from the moment they are published on the website. For this reason, we recommend you visit this section regularly to check the most recent and updated publication of the Privacy Policy.


According to Art. 7 of legislative decree 196/2003, you are entitled, at any moment, to obtain the update, correction and cancellation of your personal details as well as to refuse your personal details are used to send advertising materials, commercial communications or opinion polls by sending an e-mail to

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