ceramics festival 2021
Opere prodotte in Stylnove da Lorenzo Zanovello insieme a Cleto Munari
Open Doors Nove 2021

From the meeting… to the embrace with Cleto.
Stylnove plays Cleto Munari at the Civic Museum of Ceramics
“We like Cleto Munari like this” , this is the title of the exhibition that is scheduled in Nove starting from the period of the ceramics festival. A special dedication to one of the stars of the art design directors and producers, Cleto Munari who, in Nove, found his alter ego in the Stylnove ceramics company owned by the Franco and Lorenzo Zanovello brothers.
The meeting of Cleto Munari with Lorenzo dates back to some time ago. Lorenzo is dedicated to the production of artistic pieces, unique works, expressed through the language of ceramics, he met Cleto Munari on the occasion of an exhibition in which objects dedicated to the work and debate of the great Picasso were proposed. “Cleto was unfamiliar with ceramic material, but numerous collections have been created alongside him in the laboratory. I like to underline - explains Lorenzo Zanovello - that these are objects of a high quality level ”.
The presence of the one who is simply and familiarly called Cleto, in the various production sectors of the Stylnove warehouses is usual. Thanks to this intense relationship, a project has been launched that does not want to remain an end in itself, much less self-referential. The goal is to allow the public to read and understand the dialogue between a charismatic figure of modern design and an artistic ceramics company, also known as "artist residences". “These are experiences that do not claim to have an economic impact, but should be read as an investment - says Lorenzo Zanovello - The Novese reality needs to receive stimulus to be valued in itself, through these new experiences. It is a challenge, if we want a “ceramic yard” that can be used as a museum format, but also as a corporate one ”. About twenty works that Lorenzo Zanovello's creativity has produced, dedicated to Cleto Munari.
The figure of Cleto, reproduced in ceramic, is a path that tells this well-known figure of art producer, his way of being (many references to Cleto's original way of dressing). The references to the contacts and meetings that Munari had with artists of the caliber of Andy Warhol are very precise (in this case the figure of Cleto emerges from a container that recalls the famous work dedicated to "Campbell Soup". Also mentioned is the friendship that Cleto has spent years with the unforgettable Franco Battiato, and here the ceramic figure indicates the “permanent center of gravity.” The interpretation of Lorenzo Zanovello, and of Stylnove, will be at the center of the exhibition proposed at the civic museum of the ceramics of Palazzo De Fabris. Alongside the works of Stylnove and Lorenzo Zanovello, numerous objects from the history of design elaborated and produced for great names in art and architecture by Cleto Munari: works that will be exhibited in the display cases of the historical sector of Museo Novese For the first time, contemporary design will open an ideal comparison with the famous works of the Nove factories, made from the 18th century onwards with porcelain, majolica and earthenware.