protagonist of this "ceramic" project
ancient, noble material with multiple
natural properties of high resistance to UV rays.
photocatalysis, photocatalytic, ceramic, uv, uvc, purifier, air, antibacterial, virus, covid, UV, UVC,
The project was born from an idea of Lorenzo Zanovello EQUU.
The first contemporary decorative light collection in ceramic that purifies and sanitizes the air.
Thanks to the photocatalysis process augmented by artificial light combined with air and humidity, it transforms and eliminates pollutants bacteria odors, thus preventing the ploriferation of microorganisms.
the system EQUU is inserted and used for all types of light sources:
pendant light and decorative source
light source and decorative ceiling lamp
light source and decorative wall, applique, panels, elements
light source and decorative floor, table
light source and decorative table, flooring